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“One of the penalties of refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.” — Plato

Memphis and Shelby County Politics

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Shelby County | Shelby County School Board

What elected positions are included in the Shelby County government?

The elected positions include the Shelby County Mayor, Assessor, County Clerk, Register, Sheriff, Trustee, and County Commissioners.

How many members are on the Shelby County Commission?

There are 13 members of the Shelby County Commission, 12 of whom are elected from Districts 1 through 4 with three representatives each, and one of whom is elected from District 5 with only one representative. Please click here to see a Shelby County Commission District Map.

What are the term limits for the elected officials of Shelby County?

The Mayor and County Commissioners are limited to two four-year terms, with the County Commissioners serving staggered terms. In November 2008, Shelby Countians voted to extend the two four-year term limits to the Sheriff, Register, Trustee, County Clerk, and Assessor as well.

When and where are the Shelby County Commission meetings held?

The regular County Commission meeting is held on Mondays at 1:30 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of County Hall, located at 160 North Main. The meeting schedule can be found at their website.

Scheduled meeting dates, agendas and minutes can be found by clicking here.

What are the standing Shelby County Commission committees?

The standing committees are Budget and Finance; Public Works; Hospitals and Health; Law Enforcement, Fire, Corrections and Courts; Land Use, Planning, Transportation and Codes; Education; Economic Development and Tourism; Community Services; Conservation; General Government; Core City, Neighborhoods and Housing; the Legislative Committee; and the Audit Committee. To view the members of each committee, go here.

When do the standing County Commission committees meet?

Most committees meeting are held on the Wednesday prior to the full County Commission meeting. Scheduled committee meeting dates and agendas can be found by clicking here.

How many members are on the Shelby County School Board?

There are seven Board Members who represent one of the seven districts. To view the members, click here.

What are the terms of the Shelby County School Board members?

Staggered, four-year terms for all Shelby County School Board members.

When and where are the Shelby County School Board meetings held?

Unless otherwise noted, business meetings will be held the last Thursday of the month at l:00 p.m. In the board auditorium, 160 south Hollywood street. Work sessions will be held one week prior to the business meeting in conference room 214 at 1:00 p.m. If conflicts arise that would result in changes in meeting dates, notification will be given to the local media and changes will be posted to the Shelby County School Board website.

Can the public speak at the Shelby County School Board meetings?

Individuals or organizations desiring to be heard by the board shall make their requests to the superintendent or board chairman one week prior to the scheduled meeting - stating name, address, purpose of request, and topic of speech. The board may, however, agree to hear any individual or organization at any time, notwithstanding the requirements for notice set forth above.

Every person who wishes to speak at a board meeting must be recognized by the chairman, and the chairman will determine whether it is in the public interest to allow the request. Should the request to speak be granted, the chairman may limit the time for the presentation, and if there are numerous requests to address the board on the same subject, the chairman may request representatives to speak on each side of the issue. The board has the right to overrule the chairman by a majority vote of those present.

An individual desiring to speak to the board on an agenda "action" item or any item specifically noted as included for the purposes of a public hearing for which the time requirements for a written request cannot be met should communicate with the local superintendent's office not less than 48 hours before the meeting - stating name, address, and topic. Otherwise these requests are subject to the same requirements and restrictions as set forth above for written requests.

Individuals desiring additional information about any item on the agenda should direct such inquiries to the office of the superintendent.